Updating Your Listing

Update My Profile - Carmichael Dentists



My Listing Details are Incorrect. How Do I Update Them?


Carmichael Dentists allows users two methods for updating their listing details.  


Method 1: Upgrade to Premium by Claiming Your Dentistry Listing


Carmichael Dentists offer three dentistry marketing plans. Additionally, each annual marketing plan includes a free profile setup.


Head to the Turn-Key Dentistry Marketing page. Here, you click on "Learn More" to purchase your chosen dentistry marketing plan. After payment, the Carmichael Dentists team will tailor your dentistry profile accordingly.


Nevertheless, there is a validation process before tailoring dentistry listings. To complete this step, the Carmichael Dentists team will contact you using the provided email address. If we can't complete this step, your order will be canceled and refunded.


Method 2: Request a One-Time Dentistry Listing Update


Carmichael Dentists will update your dentistry listing for a one-time fee. Head to the Turn-Key Dentistry Marketing page and select Update My Profile Information. Then, follow the steps to remit payment.


Again, there is a validation process before tailoring dentistry listings. To complete this step, the Carmichael Dentists team will contact you using the provided email address. If we can't complete this step, your order will be canceled and refunded.


Opt Out - Carmichael Dentists


If My Listing Details are Incorrect, Are There Any Non-Payment Methods?


The only non-payment option would be to opt out of the Carmichael Dentists directory. Using our contact form, submit this removal request and include the listing to be deleted. 


However, your dentistry practice may find it more advantageous to pay the one-time charge to update your listing. This one-time update gives your practice an additional marketing channel, helping to increase your online visibility. Accurate listings across multiple marketing channels can improve your SEO and Google search engine results. All this for only $5.00.


The Carmichael Dentists team is here to help if you have any concerns.