My unclaimed listing is incorrect. What should I do?


If your Carmichael Dentists listing is kept updated, our users should easily find it when searching the directory. However, we don't let just anyone update your listing. The individual concerned must claim the listing before any updates can take place. This process allows us to maintain accuracy.


Using the search bar on the homepage, locate your unclaimed listing and click on "Claim Listing" under your name to continue. After following the steps to complete this process, you can make the necessary updates.


You can request the removal of your Carmichael Dentists listing if you are not ready to claim it. To do so, you must submit your removal request in writing, along with proper identification. When sending your identification, you can redact sensitive information. The team at Charmichael Dentists will process your request once we have confirmed the person submitting the request is the same as the one in the unclaimed listing. Then we will remove your identification from our files.


We recommend that you confirm that all online directories include the correct information for your practice. How can you do this? Use our scanner tool to scan your practice and see what it looks like online.


Ready to claim your profile and be Featured?


Google reports that detailed listings are 197% more likely to be viewed than those without them. Provide detailed information, such as ratings, reviews, hours, and services, to all your listings.


What happens if the information for my local business is incorrect?


Incorrect online information can cause 73% of consumers to lose faith in a business. Companies can lose more than $10 BILLION annually due to inaccurate or insufficient online details.


How should I create my profile?


The team at Carmichael Dentists has put together this tutorial on creating your listing.


Do you have a contract?


When claiming your listing, you can choose a subscription level that best suits your needs. You can cancel at any moment.


What makes a Home Page Featured Listing or Featured Listing so expensive?


You can increase your clicks up to 75% by being at the top of the search results page with a Featured Listing. Mixing an optimized profile with a featured listing subscription can significantly increase traffic to your listing and your practice.


Your practice's Home Page Featured Listing gives it maximum visibility as users don't need to search for it. It is already prominently displayed on the Carmichael Dentists homepage.


So you tell us if increased visibility, which can lead to more new patients, is worth it?


Do practice areas need to be added?


Yes. A complete dental listing gives users credibility.


Your free scanner detected incorrect digital information. What should I do now?


The Localsync team is here to help you lock and sync your location data. Get in touch with them today.


Which directory is the best?


Online directories are essential for expanding your practice's reach. Each directory gives your practice a valuable backlink, which can help you increase your SEO and rank with Google.