Claiming Your Listing

Carmichael Dentists strives for accurate listings, allowing patients to find you and your practice. In doing so, no modifications can be made to a listing until the responsible person claims it. 


Make sure to get the most from your Carmichael Dentists listing by following the steps below to claim your listing.  


Sign Up or Sign in to Carmichael Dentists


Whether you have an existing Carmichael Dentists account or not, the first step is locating then clicking on "sign in" at the top right corner.



Carmichael Dentist account holders should enter their email address and password and then click "sign-in."


Non-Carmichael Dentists account holders will need to sign up first. Start by clicking on "register" at the bottom of the sign in page. Next, on the create an account page, enter your first and last name, valid email, and password before clicking on "register."



Search For Your Existing Listing


Now that you are signed in, it's time to determine if the Carmichael Dentists directory has an existing listing for you. From the homepage, enter your name into the search bar and click search to find out.



If the Carmichael Dentists directory doesn't display an existing listing, you should create a listing.


Select Your Existing Listing


Carmichael Dentists will provide search results either matching or closely matching the name searched. Locate and select your name to see the complete listing.



Claim Your Existing Listing


Here you can review your existing Carmichael Dentists listing details. To proceed, click "claim listing" found under your address.



Pick Your Marketing Plan


Carmichael Dentists offers different marketing plans to suit different budgets. You can purchase your plan for a monthly fee or pay annually for a reduced fee. Select the best marketing plan for your practice by clicking on "select this plan" at the bottom of the corresponding box.



Submit Marketing Plan Payment


Stripe makes it easy for Carmichael Dentists to provide secure transactions. Check the details of your preferred marketing plan, then click "pay with card."



Next, enter your email address and valid credit card before clicking "pay" to complete your transaction.



Auditing Process


Once payment is complete, Carmichael Dentists administrators will be notified about your claim request. They will contact you to complete their auditing process, ensuring the requesting person is the same as the listing person.


Upon approval, you will be granted access to modify your Carmichael Dentists listing as needed.


We are always available to help if you have any questions.